To apply for open boards/commissions, click here: Nomination Form

City boards, commissions, and committees were established for the purpose of advising the City Council and providing ongoing input into policies and issues affecting the future of the Conway community. All persons seeking membership on any of the boards, commissions, or committees must be Conway residents and some commissions have additional membership requirements.

Advertising & Promotion Commission

The Advertising & Promotion commission was created by the city council to facilitate tourism and the promotion of the City of Conway. The Advertising and Promotion commission collects taxes on hotel/motel accommodations and levy taxes on all prepared food and beverages.

Airport Advisory Committee

The Airport Advisory Committee was created by the City Council to provide advice and guidance to the Mayor, airport operator (fixed base operator or city airport manager) and City Council on airport management, operations, facilities, equipment, planning and other areas as needed for the efficient operations of the airport.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) envisions a Conway where bicycling and walking is safe, convenient, and accessible for all.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) recommends ways to become and remain; a Bicycle-Friendly Community as designated by the League of American Bicyclists, a Walk-Friendly Community as designated by the UNC Highway Safety Research Center and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, and achieve the federal and state goals of the Safe Routes to Schools program.

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is responsible for creating eligibility lists for uniform appointments and promotions within the Police and Fire departments. Additionally, the commission reviews and adjudicates appeals related to disciplinary actions. The City Council established a board of civil service commissioners for the Police and Fire departments, pursuant to Arkansas Code §14-51-102. Neither the Civil Service Commission nor any of the individual commissioners have any control over the normal and routine day-to-day operations of the Police and Fire departments, directly or indirectly (A.C.A §14-51-212).

Conway Corp Board of Directors

The main duties of the Conway Corporation board of directors include selection of a chief executive officer, assisting management with establishment of policies and goals, and regular reviews of financial and operational performance. Directors must be a Conway citizen willing to serve the community without compensation, philosophically in tune with municipal ownership of utility systems, free of conflicts of interest and firmly established in Conway.

Conway Tree Board

The Conway Tree Board was created by the Conway City Council to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of Conway, to protect the health and safety of the residents of Conway, and to protect the environment by providing the development of a Community Forest Management Plan for the regulation of the planting, maintenance, removal, and protection of trees on public property within the City of Conway.

Diversity Advisory Council

The Diversity Advisory Council brings together citizens of Conway from diverse backgrounds to foster dialogue and establish an action plan that nurtures relationships and encourages community engagement while promoting a positive sense of culture & community.

Health Facilities Board

The Health Facilities board meet when necessary in Conway Municipal Building, Town Hall Square Meeting Room

Historic District Commission

The Robinson Historic District and the Old Conway Design Overlay District were created for the purpose of enhancing, protecting, and preserving the aesthetics, sustainability, and the historic nature and character of the older residential areas in Conway by requiring new construction to conform to proper design standards.

Housing Authority Board

The Housing Authority Board of Commissioners was created in 1940. The role of the Housing Authority is to provide housing needs (decent, safe and sanitary) to low-income families through public housing and the Section 8 Rental Assistance Payments Program.

Oak Grove Cemetery Board

The Oak Grove Cemetery Board establishes policies and provides some assistance in the cemetery's upkeep, promotion, grave sites sales, and record preservation.

Planning Commission

The responsibility of the Planning Commission (PC) is to review various types of development proposals within the City of Conway. One of the responsibilities of the Planning Staff is to provide reports, information, and recommendations to the PC regarding those development proposals. The City Attorney’s office is available to consult on the legal ramifications of the decisions made by the Planning Commission. Other municipal officials may also consulted as needed.

Public Art Advisory Committee

The Public Art Advisory Committee consists of three (3) experts in the field of art, either art historian, gallery director, or other art professional, four (4) members of the community at large, and a member of the City Planning Department.

Robinson Cemetery Board

The Robinson Cemetery Board was officially established in 2014 to oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery. This board will help to preserve the history of the cemetery and to establish policies and procedures for record preservation.